Mr. Green - PCHS Biology Instructor

Biology I Syllabus

Biology I Syllabus
Honors Biology I Syllabus
AP Biology Syllabus
The ATP Cycle

Welcome to my biology class. This science class is going to be different from previous science classes because I integrate technology into a majority of my curriculum as well as letting the student conduct the learning while I facilitate the learning. So I hope you will like to join me on this biology quest.


General Expectations:

·      Know and follow the school's policy and classroom rules

·      Always be courteous and respectful towards your fellow students

·      Accept responsibility for completing your own work


Required Materials: Bring these materials to class daily.

·      Prentice Hall Biology Text (Leave it at home)

·      calculator (dollar store's calculators are fine)

·      a bound notebook for all of your lab work (college or wide rule)

·      1'' binder for all other class activities

·      Pens/Pencils

·      Color Pencils or Markers 


Grading Policy:  Grades will be based on point system. To find your average, take the total points earned and divide them by the total points possible.

·      50 points            Tests

·      35 points            Quizzes

·      25 points            Labs

·      15 points            Projects

·      10 points            Class Work & Homework

·      5 points              Group Discussions


90 – 100          A         Outstanding Performance

80 – 89            B         Above Average Performance

70 – 79            C         Average Performance

60 – 69            D         Below Average Performance

0 – 59              F          Failing


Student can earn up to 50 points per quarter and 150 points per semester for extra credit. Extra credit will be added at the end of the current quarter and/or semester.


Make-Up Work: It is your responsibility to obtain and complete make-up work.

·      For each day of school missed, two days are allowed to complete any makeup work.

·      If absent on the day of a lab, students are requires to write a 2-3 page research paper on a given topic.

·      If absent the day lab notebooks are due, turn in your lab notebook the next day.

·      If absent the day of a test, be prepared to take the test in the next two days before or after school


Late Assignments will not be accepted, you will receive a zero!

Course Outline


Unit 1: The Nature of Life

Unit 2: The Cell

Unit 3: Genetics

Unit 4: Evolution

Unit 5: Bacteria, Viruses, and the Fungi Kingdom

Unit 6: The Plant Kingdom

Unit 7: The Animal Kingdom

Unit 8: The Human Body

Unit 9: Ecology



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